Friday 8 March 2013

Woo hoo! I did it!

Woo hoo! I took a 3 year-old and an 8 year-old to Tim Horton's for a really late supper and didn't lose my temper once! Woo hoo!

I made a promise yesterday that we would eat in after hockey tonight. And, even though I really, really didn't want to, I kept it. So, yeah, crazy me took two tired kids to eat in public at bed time and didn't lose, and the kids didn't lose it either! I think that's the thing that surprised me the most about the whole trip. I didn't lose so the kids didn't lose. I need to remember that "so" in the last sentence and then repeat it, often.

Also, didn't let the older couple at the next table staring us down bother me. I mean, I noticed them, but I made a conscious choice to ignore them all their judgy judging. Which is crazy because, come on, they were probably thinking what a great parent I was for not losing it at two young kids at that time of night even though the little obviously needed to be somewhere with a bed. I, of course, always think they're thinking about why I let the 3 yo get her way instead of just making her put the coat on with the liner in, not taking the liner out. Why do I think about what they think? I have absolutely no idea. You'd think I have enough thoughts to worry about of my own without worrying about someone else's! Need to let it go.

So, regardless of the older couple's thoughts, mine are happy! And she fell asleep on the way home, yay! And I let him stay up a bit late because, well, because I can.

Woo hoo!

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